Dr. Amy Nykoluk, DTCM Dr. Amy Nykoluk, DTCM

How Traditional Chinese Medicine Looks at The Immune System

In light of the changes COVID-19 has brought to everyone's life, all around the globe, I wanted to bring the focus back to something that we do have control over in our lives, the health of our immune system. At a time such as this, we can put more energy into keeping ourselves healthy, and making the right choices to keep our bodies in the best shape possible. There are many, many ways that we can boost this system, and there are also ways that we can avoid putting any extra pressure on the body, so that when we may come into contact with micro-organisms that cause disease, such as the Coronavirus that is spreading around the world at an extreme rate, our body can fight hard to limit the degree to which we are affected. But before we go into ways to keep the immune system running optimally, lets talk about what exactly the immune system is and how it functions.

Although I want to focus more on the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) aspect of immunity, it is important, first, to understand the western side of this equation. Every organism has an immune system, even microscopic bacteria. Of course, humans have a much more complex system comprised of many biological structures and processes that work together to keep us free from disease. The basic job of the immune system is to keep the body free from invaders, and to rid the body of dead or sick cells that may be circulating. It is very important that the immune system is able to distinguish self, from non-self, and when a foreign invader is detected, the immune response is activated. One of the key players are the white blood cells, or leukocytes. WBC are on constant patrol, looking for pathogens, and when they detect something foreign they multiply to signal further immune response. WBC are stored in the lymphoid organs - thymus, spleen, bone marrow and the lymph nodes. There are two types of WBC - the phagocytes, which essentially destroy and "eat" pathogens, and the lymphocytes, which form a sort of memory of past pathogens, produce anti-bodies, and stay on watch to alert the clean up cells if this pathogen returns - which is how immunizations work. During an immunization, certain molecules of a pathogen are introduced to the body so that the immune response can be activated, and antibodies created. Overall, this is an extremely complex system that we need to have working at optimal levels at all times.


How Traditional Chinese Medicine Looks at The Immune System

written by Dr. Amy Nykoluk (Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine + Registered Acupuncturist)


In light of the changes COVID-19 has brought to everyone's life, all around the globe, I wanted to bring the focus back to something that we do have control over in our lives, the health of our immune system.  At a time such as this, we can put more energy into keeping ourselves healthy, and making the right choices to keep our bodies in the best shape possible.  There are many, many ways that we can boost this system, and there are also ways that we can avoid putting any extra pressure on the body, so that when we may come into contact with micro-organisms that cause disease, such as the Coronavirus that is spreading around the world at an extreme rate, our body can fight hard to limit the degree to which we are affected.  But before we go into ways to keep the immune system running optimally, lets talk about what exactly the immune system is and how it functions.


Although I want to focus more on the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) aspect of immunity, it is important, first, to understand the western side of this equation.  Every organism has an immune system, even microscopic bacteria.  Of course, humans have a much more complex system comprised of many biological structures and processes that work together to keep us free from disease.  The basic job of the immune system is to keep the body free from invaders, and to rid the body of dead or sick cells that may be circulating.  It is very important that the immune system is able to distinguish self, from non-self, and when a foreign invader is detected, the immune response is activated.  One of the key players are the white blood cells, or leukocytes.  WBC are on constant patrol, looking for pathogens, and when they detect something foreign they multiply to signal further immune response.  WBC are stored in the lymphoid organs - thymus, spleen, bone marrow and the lymph nodes.  There are two types of WBC - the phagocytes, which essentially destroy and "eat" pathogens, and the lymphocytes, which form a sort of memory of past pathogens, produce anti-bodies, and stay on watch to alert the clean up cells if this pathogen returns - which is how immunizations work.  During an immunization, certain molecules of a pathogen are introduced to the body so that the immune response can be activated, and antibodies created.  Overall, this is an extremely complex system that we need to have working at optimal levels at all times.


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the immune system, and all other systems are looked at very differently.   Overall, TCM looks at everything as a whole and doesn't separate the immune system from the rest of the body.  In order to have healthy immunity - all systems of the body - including the qi (“CH-EE”), blood, body fluids, meridians and organs, have to be functioning optimally.  All of these things work together to build up the strength of the body’s defences.  In TCM theory, the body’s resistance to disease and its ability to repair in the presence of disease, is determined by the healthy flow of the “zheng qi”, or healthy qi around the body.  The zheng qi is abundant and free flowing, we are able to fight off pathogens before they cause much, if any, damage.  This zheng qi is similar to the movement of WBC in the blood stream.  When the zheng qi is abundant, pathogens cannot prevail.  So how do we make sure we have sufficient zheng qi, along with healthy qi, blood, body fluids, and the meridians and organs are unblocked and operating well?  Of course, Acupuncture and herbal formulas work very effectively at keeping a perfect internal balance, or restoring balance that has been lost.  But there are many things that we can do and not-do outside of regular treatments to protect ourselves. 


The first and maybe the most important step we can take is ensuring our diet is well balanced, and full of fresh nutrient-dense food.  We know that VITAMIN C plays a key role in the immune system, because Vitamin-C enhances the WBC ability to kill off foreign microbes.  Vitamin C is a potent anti-oxidant that improves and supports the skins barrier functions.  We also know that things like sugar, alcohol, and fatty foods will damage our digestion when not consumed in moderation, which can lead to a build up of toxins for the body to deal with, along with the potential for leaky gut, which floods the blood stream with unwanted substances.  Both of these situations can dull the immune response.  In TCM, these things are true as well, and food is divided into categories by one of five flavours, and its effect on the body.  It is important to balance the intake of food so we don't end up tipping the balance off.  For example, foods like dairy are considered to produce dampness, so if we over eat this, we end up producing an excess of phlegm, which can settle in many parts of the body, including the lungs.  The presence of phlegm in the lungs inhibits their ability to regulate the opening and closing of pores.  On the other hand, some foods are warming and drying, such as turkey!  So eating turkey can help dry up phlegm in the lungs. Another example is alcohol, which is actually medicinal in small doses because it can help expel wind and cold, and it helps improve the circulation of blood.   But when overdone, alcohol adds excess heat to the body, and can lead to liver damage and poor digestive function.


Exercise is the next on the list!  We all know getting some type of physical activity in every day is important, but how does it effect our immunity?  One way that exercise keeps us healthy is by draining our lymphatic system.  When we MOVE our body, such as brisk walking, jogging, or jumping up and down - gravity moves the fluid in the lymph system.  As we talked about earlier, this is a very important function in keeping invading pathogens at bay.  Along with movement of the lymph system, exercise gets the heart pumping blood faster, again improving circulation to remove toxins.  The same goes in TCM, we need to keep moving to keep the qi, blood and body fluids moving.  


Keeping stress at bay is another key factor involved in our immunity.  Of course, that is sometimes easier said than done.  We are living in a fast-paced society, where it seems there is always more expected of us.  When we become stressed out, our bodies get trapped in our fight or flight mode, which keeps our nervous system on high alert, and suppresses the immune system.  When we are stressed, our cortisol levels sky rocket, and cortisol actually reduces the amount of lymphocytes circulating in the blood.  In TCM, when we become stressed, our liver becomes sluggish, and it can't circulate the qi around the body properly.  The lungs and all other organs rely on this smooth flow of qi to function, so high levels of stress for long periods of time will absolutely disrupt every single system in the body, including our lungs and immune system.  Exercise will release endorphins and lower cortisol, and 15 minutes of mediation a day can make a huge difference in our moods.  


Lastly, I want to talk about Acupuncture, Cupping and Herbal Medicine, or TCM!  The goal behind all the modalities in Traditional Chinese Medicine is to restore the body to balance - so it can heal itself, and the immune system is part of that healing!  TCM can reduce the stress response, and increase the livers ability to deal with the everyday life hustle.  We can use herbs like astragalus, cordyceps and ginko biloba to boost the respiratory function and keep the lungs effectively working to keep pathogens out, and to the blood circulating well, in case something does get in.  Acupuncture naturally calms the central nervous system, reduces pain, and moves the qi, which in turn keeps the body ready to heal.  And lastly, my favourite way to keep the lungs clear and the immune system strong, is CUPPING Therapy!  Firstly, Cupping gets the blood and lymph system moving.  We use this to treat muscle spasms, injuries, and for overall well being, but we also know, this keeps the immune system strong.  When we cup over the back, we’re causing a somewhat large area of local inflammation, which stimulates the immune response, and we also glide over the lungs!  Because Cupping can effect tissue up to 4 inches below the skins surface, this is almost like a workout for the lungs.  We can loosen up lodged phlegm, which if you've had Cupping during a chest cold, you may have experienced the phlegm clearing that comes after your session.  To conclude, Cupping opens the pores on the back, which can allow the release of pathogens that may be trying to enter the body.  This forced opening of the pores also improves the lungs ability to keep the pores opening and closing when they need to.


So, although times are scary right now, there are many things that we can do on a daily basis to keep our bodies strong!  We can't always fight off all possible infections, but we can keep all our organ systems running optimally, so if and when we do succumb to a pathogen, we can more easily fight it off. 


Sadly, I cannot offer hands on treatments like Cupping, or acupuncture right now, but I will be preparing a short video on an Acupuncture routine to boost your immune function, so check out on our YouTube channel, coming soon!  And of course, our FIRST line of defence at this time, is to practice social distancing to the best of our ability, so please continue to do so!  We can't wait to see everyone back at the spa, very soon hopefully.   

Stay safe!


Dr. Amy Nykoluk, DTCM + Registered Acupuncturist
The Natural Art of Skin Care

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Kyndle Doolan, Spa Director Kyndle Doolan, Spa Director

What Is Your Skin Barrier & How To Protect It

What Is Your Skin Barrier

An easy way to understand how your skin barrier works is to think of your skin as a structure made of bricks and mortar. Dr. Hooman Khorasani, Chief, Dermatologic and Cosmetic Surgery of Mount Sinai Health System explains: “The skin barrier is provided by structures called lamellar sheets. These sheets are present between the cells of the top-most layer of skin called the stratum corneum. These structures are analogous to the mortar between the bricks in the wall of your house.” Lamellar sheets, which are composed of fatty acids, cholesterol and ceramides, hold your skin cells in place and keep your stratum corneum intact. 

These structures are analogous to the mortar between the bricks in the wall of your house.

What Does It Do?

Your skin barrier acts like a security guard for your skin. It shields your skin from bacteria and irritants and seals in moisture and hydration. Skin with a healthy barrier is well hydrated, moisturized, resilient and flexible. It can better withstand the negative effects of environmental stress and ages gracefully. On the other hand, a thin or weak barrier allows irritants in and hydration out. This causes dullness, dryness and sensitivity and can lead to inflammation and premature aging.

by: Alisha Whitley

Your skin barrier is your body’s first line of defense against the outside world. When it’s healthy, it protects your skin from external stressors and locks in moisture; when it’s damaged, irritants and allergens seep in and water evaporates, leaving your skin dull, dry and dehydrated. Here’s everything you need to know about your skin barrier plus our tips to protect it and repair it when it’s damaged. 

What Is Your Skin Barrier

An easy way to understand how your skin barrier works is to think of your skin as a structure made of bricks and mortar. Dr. Hooman Khorasani, Chief, Dermatologic and Cosmetic Surgery of Mount Sinai Health System explains: “The skin barrier is provided by structures called lamellar sheets. These sheets are present between the cells of the top-most layer of skin called the stratum corneum. These structures are analogous to the mortar between the bricks in the wall of your house.” Lamellar sheets, which are composed of fatty acids, cholesterol and ceramides, hold your skin cells in place and keep your stratum corneum intact. 

These structures are analogous to the mortar between the bricks in the wall of your house.

What Does It Do?

Your skin barrier acts like a security guard for your skin. It shields your skin from bacteria and irritants and seals in moisture and hydration. Skin with a healthy barrier is well hydrated, moisturized, resilient and flexible. It can better withstand the negative effects of environmental stress and ages gracefully. On the other hand, a thin or weak barrier allows irritants in and hydration out. This causes dullness, dryness and sensitivity and can lead to inflammation and premature aging.

How Does It Become Damaged?

Over time, your skin barrier can become impaired. Aging, exposure to environmental stressors and everyday activities like over-cleansing cause cumulative damage that compromises its structure. Remember our brick and mortar analogy? Without proper care, the mortar between the bricks weakens and cracks begin to emerge. These make space for bacteria and irritants to enter the skin and for moisture and hydration to escape. 

Here are a few things that can cause your skin barrier to become damaged:

  • Natural aging

  • Pollution

  • UV exposure

  • Blue light

  • Bacteria

  • Stress

  • Poor diet

  • Harsh chemical skincare

  • Over cleansing and over-exfoliating

  • Extreme temperatures

  • Genetic conditions such as psoriasis

What Happens When It’s Damaged?

One of the primary effects of skin barrier damage is transepidermal water loss (TEWL). Through this process, hydration and moisture passively evaporate through the compromised barrier, leading to dryness and dehydration. This compounds the visible signs of aging and contributes to inflammation, sensitivity and a dull-looking complexion.

In addition to loss of moisture, skin with a damaged barrier is left bare to environmental assaults by pollution, UV rays and blue light. These are three key contributors to accelerated aging, causing the skin to develop fine lines and wrinkles as well as lose volume and elasticity. 

With a weakened barrier, your skin also becomes exposed to irritants, microbes and allergens. When these penetrate the stratum corneum, they can cause inflammation, redness and sensitivity. For those with genetic conditions such as eczema and rosacea, and impaired barrier can exacerbate symptoms.


How can you tell if your skin barrier is damaged? These are a few telltale signs that your skin barrier has weakened:

  • Dryness

  • Dehydration

  • Flakiness

  • Redness

  • Irritation

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

How Can You Protect & Repair It?

Now that you know skin barrier damage does to your complexion, how can you protect and repair it?

1. Apply Sunscreen Daily

Rule number one for a healthy skin barrier: Apply sunscreen every single day. Dr. Khorasani recommends applying a daily sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and avoiding sun exposure when the UV index is at its highest (from 10am to 4pm).

We recommend our Lilikoi Mineral Defense Moisturizer SPF 33. This mineral sunscreen provides lightweight protection from UV rays as well as additional defense against the drying effects of exposure to pollution and other environmental stressors.

2. Keep Skin Moisturized

Another way to protect your skin barrier is to keep it moisturized and hydrated. In addition to keeping your skin hydrated internally by drinking plenty of water, you can apply skincare with ingredients that replenish and retain your skin’s natural moisture.

Snow mushroom is one such ingredient that rivals the humectant properties of hyaluronic acid. You can find this deeply hydrating ingredient in our Birch Water Purifying EssenceSnow Mushroom & Reishi Masque and Snow Mushroom Moisture Cloud Eye Cream.

3. Look For Antioxidant-Rich Ingredients

You can protect your skin against the drying effects of environmental stressors by loading up on antioxidants - both in your diet and your skin care. Antioxidants fight free radicals to minimize the visible signs of aging brought on by oxidative damage.

Look for ingredients like Vitamin Cmangosteen, birch water and lilikoi for a potent dose of antioxidants. We recommend applying our Citrus & Kale Potent C+E Serum which is rich in Vitamin C, E and ferulic acid.

4. Choose Organic Skin Care

Avoid chemical skin care that can disrupt your skin barrier. Instead, seek out natural, organic and biodynamic products that maintain strength and integrity. These types of ingredients infuse the skin with beneficial nutrients that optimize its health and fortify its barrier.

When shopping for your favorite skin care products, beware counterfeit cosmetics masquerading as the real thing. These often include ineffective - and even harmful ingredients - that won’t do your skin barrier any favors.

Curious about which products to use to keep your skin barrier intact? Chat with a licensed esthetician at an Eminence Organics partner spa to find the best products for your skin type and skin concerns.


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Janna Hattingh, BKin, Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant Janna Hattingh, BKin, Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant

It’s a ‘New Year, New You!’ Congratulations! 

Your New Year’s Resolution is Destined to Fail (if you don’t do this one important thing!)

It’s a ‘New Year, New You!’ Congratulations!  You are really doing it this time, you’re kickin’ off this new decade with a brand spankin’ healthy body, mind and spirit, and there ain’t nothin’ stopping you… for REAL.

 You’ve binged your last supper; drank that bottle of wine and have stocked your fridge with green goodies and products with the most exotic of names and flavors.  Your runners are at your door and you just bought a new, super-cute yoga outfit that makes you feel like you’ve already completed an Ironman. 

This feeling may be a bit of a de-ja-vu from last year and maybe the year before that… and that.  So, what are you missing?  Why do most New Year’s resolutions fail?


Toxins!  No, I’m not suggesting a liquid diet or weekend spent in close vicinity to your bathroom, I’m talking about support toxins.  The number one reason most people fail in their weight-loss or health goal resolutions is from toxic relationships and lack of support. 

Your New Year’s Resolution is Destined to Fail (if you don’t do this one important thing!)

It’s a ‘New Year, New You!’ Congratulations!  You are really doing it this time, you’re kickin’ off this new decade with a brand spankin’ healthy body, mind and spirit, and there ain’t nothin’ stopping you… for REAL.


You’ve binged your last supper; drank that bottle of wine and have stocked your fridge with green goodies and products with the most exotic of names and flavors.  Your runners are at your door and you just bought a new, super-cute yoga outfit that makes you feel like you’ve already completed an Ironman. 


This feeling may be a bit of a de-ja-vu from last year and maybe the year before that… and that.  So, what are you missing?  Why do most New Year’s resolutions fail?


Toxins!  No, I’m not suggesting a liquid diet or weekend spent in close vicinity to your bathroom, I’m talking about support toxins.  The number one reason most people fail in their weight-loss or health goal resolutions is from toxic relationships and lack of support. 

Detoxing inside and out is more than just looking at yourself, it’s about looking at the people around you contributing to your failure, and you allowing them to do so.   

Toxins: The Real Bad Influence, Inside and Out

Toxins act like whiny, needy, attention seeking, moody, irritable addicts within your body. They drive cravings for things like sugar because that’s what toxins and bacteria thrive off.


Imagine you went to the bar or had movie-pig out nights with your friends on a regular basis. They love to drink and buy a bunch of junk food and encourage you to do the same. Then you decide to make a change and improve your health; you don’t drink as much and start buying fruit instead of chips. Your friends start teasing and guilting you saying you’re no fun anymore, and they start taunting you with your favorite ice cream or glass of wine.


Soon enough you get frustrated and have two choices to make - either sabotage your goals and give in or stay true to yourself and decide to stop hanging out with them.


Constantly having to resist temptation and listen to unsupportive comments is the real bad influence, and that is what it’s like having an overload of toxins festering within your body. Usually, it will be hard at first but will get easier as you start to notice that positive influences in your life improve your health and feelings of well-being.

Sometimes, detoxing can make you feel worse in the beginning because you’re not satisfying those fat cells full of toxins needing instant gratification. Withdrawal symptoms will vary in intensity and duration, but it’s important to keep on track with the program, and usually, it’s only the first 3-4 days that are the hardest.


Remove Frenemies

Support is everything when it comes to detox, life changes, and in times of need. Having people in your circle who genuinely care and love you makes all the difference.

A friends-audit can bring on some tough decisions – who is really supporting your journey and who is bringing you down?

If you hear “just one, you used to be fun” or “too bad you can’t eat this, it’s so good” comments and you cannot remove yourself from the situation, remind yourself (and them if you chose) of your ‘why.’  Why is this your New Year’s resolution?

Cleansing the toxic people out of your life will not only improve your health, mental well-being and self-worth, but it will also allow openings for more positive influences.

Instead of allowing yourself to be dragged to the bar, making friends at your local smoothie joint or health club will reinforce positive behavioral changes and keep you on track with your health goals.

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Sandra Rouse-Purvis, RMT Sandra Rouse-Purvis, RMT

The Benefits of Massage Therapy

Often we think of a massage as something that is just to relax or a treat us once in a while but it is so much more than that. Here are just a few of the benefits that you can get from having a regular massage.

We have a deadline to meet and time is running out - the most common place for stress to show up is in the neck and upper/mid-back. All that typing and data entry being done on the computer or laptop, or double thumb texting affects your flexor/extensors of the radialis and ulnaris (forearms), Abductor pollicis brevis (thumb muscle). There are muscle fibres that have adhesions within them and need to have a trigger point release to relax again. Making time for your self is important!

Massage improves your decision-making skills, boosts your energy, along with the blood circulation in the body, and lower’s your blood pressure. It creates endorphins to allow your body to feel more relaxed. It enhances performance at work.

Often we think of a massage as something that is just to relax or a treat us once in a while but it is so much more than that. Here are just a few of the benefits that you can get from having a regular massage.

1)    Relaxation, anxiety
2)    Better Circulation
3)    Reduced Stress, headaches and migraines
4)    More flexibility and mobility
5)    Aid with insomnia
6)    Helps with pain and discomfort
7)    Fibromyalgia
8)    Frozen shoulder
9)    Sciatica
10)   Lower Lumber discomfort

We generally just get used to living with the soreness and pain when we should be paying attention to the signs that our bodies are telling us.  One session cannot fix a problem that is occurring in your body, it has taken some time to develop that discomfort, so it will also take time to help make it feel better.  Long periods of time sitting in front of a computer screen can develop tight muscles in between our shoulder blades (Rhomboids, middle traps, thoracic erector spinae), and we end up with sore necks (Levator scapulae, splenius cervicis, trapezius, suboccipital, sternocleidomastoids) to name an irritated few.  Our shoulders protract forward, our Pectoralis major and minor get tight as a result. We end up with lower lumbar discomfort as well.  Where we feel it is around the waist line, in the glutes, and on the sides or down the back of the legs.  Getting up more often from your sitting position and giving yourself a bit of a stretch will help some.  Regular sessions with a massage therapist will further help get some of those muscles to relax so that there is not as much discomfort while you’re at work - can make a big difference.  We have a deadline to meet and time is running out - the most common place for stress to show up is in the neck and upper/mid-back. All that typing and data entry being done on the computer or laptop, or double thumb texting affects your flexor/extensors of the radialis and ulnaris (forearms), Abductor pollicis brevis (thumb muscle). There are muscle fibres that have adhesions within them and need to have a trigger point release to relax again. Making time for your self is important!

Massage improves your decision-making skills, boosts your energy, along with the blood circulation in the body, and lower’s your blood pressure. It creates endorphins to allow your body to feel more relaxed. It enhances performance at work.


Book an appointment with me and see how you feel.


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Kyndle Doolan, Spa Director Kyndle Doolan, Spa Director

Why oil pre-cleansing is your WINTER FRIEND

When we think of dry air, we must also think of the constant change from outdoors into centrally-heated homes and workplaces. This continuous process causes our capillaries to quickly contract and expand, causing them to break, creating redness in the skin. HELLO ROSEACEA! People with eczema or other dry skin conditions, especially those who live in YYC, should be particularly cautious when heading into the arctic months. I'm here to give you some tips on how you can keep your skin clean, clear, protected, and HYDRATED this winter!


Oil pre-cleansing in the winter can be a skin saver! Did you know that oil acts as a gentle exfoliant to pull out and remove impurities? All while RE-HYDRATING your skin? Think back to your high school chemistry class, we learned; like dissolves like. In other words, oil dissolves oil. This pre-cleansing method uses oil to attract and get rid of excess oil, but it is also amazing for rejuvenating and gently exfoliating dry skin, cleaning clogged pores, melting away black + whiteheads, and balancing skin hydration. HYDRATION HEALS! If you don’t exfoliate your skin at least twice /week, you’re left with a dry layer of dead cells that don’t allow other products to penetrate into the necessary layers of the face. If you have particularly dry and or sensitive skin, you might want to try a pre-cleanse oil as your weekly exfoliant.  

Let's face it; it's winter. At least as far as our skin is concerned! Most people in Calgary complain about having dry skin, even many acne cases. Humidity levels have dropped off, which means drier air - the dryer the air, the more moisture gets sucked out of your skin. This is why we experience things like dryness, dry patches, and flaking during the colder months of the year.


When we think of dry air, we must also think of the constant change from outdoors into centrally-heated homes and workplaces. This continuous process causes our capillaries to quickly contract and expand, causing them to break, creating redness in the skin. HELLO ROSEACEA! People with eczema or other dry skin conditions, especially those who live in YYC, should be particularly cautious when heading into the arctic months. I'm here to give you some tips on how you can keep your skin clean, clear, protected, and HYDRATED this winter!


Oil pre-cleansing in the winter can be a skin saver! Did you know that oil acts as a gentle exfoliant to pull out and remove impurities? All while RE-HYDRATING your skin? Think back to your high school chemistry class, we learned; like dissolves like. In other words, oil dissolves oil. This pre-cleansing method uses oil to attract and get rid of excess oil, but it is also amazing for rejuvenating and gently exfoliating dry skin, cleaning clogged pores, melting away black + whiteheads, and balancing skin hydration. HYDRATION HEALS! If you don’t exfoliate your skin at least twice /week, you’re left with a dry layer of dead cells that don’t allow other products to penetrate into the necessary layers of the face. If you have particularly dry and or sensitive skin, you might want to try a pre-cleanse oil as your weekly exfoliant.  


Oil's remove dirt, dead skin, and pollutants – also making it an AMAZING makeup remover! I personally LOVE using oil as my makeup remover because it takes off everything, even water proof mascaras. Apply your selected oil straight onto dry, dirty skin, massage it around for a few minutes (or to the length of your favourite song), then CLEANSE it off. We strongly recommend following your pre-cleanse oil with a proper cleanser to ensure you're removing all the dirt, oils, and bacteria that have now been loosened up. Ask our professionals which one would be best suited for your skin type!


Once you’ve completed your morning skincare routine, always make sure you’ve applied that protective skin barrier before heading out into the elements. SPF protection during the daytime, and a richer night-time cream will keep your skin balanced between washes. Most of our products contain anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant ingredients, but ingredients such as chamomile and green tea will help to control redness. The Refine and Remedy lines from Illuminate contain calming Lavender and soothing the skin.


We carry a variety of pre-cleanse oils at The Natural Art of Skin Care to suite every skin type; Oily, Dry, Sensitive, Congested, Combination, Aging. Book a FREE consult with one of our Estheticians to see which pre-oil cleanse would fit best into your skincare regime, and what products you SHOULD be using during the upcoming winter. 


Illuminate CLARIFY ($46) - vital decongestion for an oily or textured complexion
llluminate BALANCE ($46) - active botanical nutrient to unify combination skin
llluminate REFINE ($46) - rich hydration to smooth, soften and revitalize
llluminate REMEDY ($46) - intense recovery for inflamed skin or acne conditions 
Eminence Stone Crop ($56) - Detoxifying and gentle for all skin types
Eminence Wildflower Cleansing Balm ($58) - dual-purpose, gel balm pre-cleanses the skin, add water and it turns into a milky cleanser. Washes off nice and clean.  


If you ever have questions about your skincare or need a step in the right direction, please feel free to contact us! It is our goal to help everyone achieve radiant skin, holistically.  

We look forward to seeing you at the Spa!
Stay Warm Friends.

Kyndle Doolan | Spa Director
The Natural Art of Skin Care

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