The Wonders of Gua Sha in TCM
It's November and things are getting very busy at the Spa this month! We have our Client Appreciation Christmas party on the 22nd, which is always a great evening! It is an excellent time to come meet all of our providers, eat some great food, and take advantage of our 15% off sale on all products and services!! We are also updating our spa menu and adding a few new exciting treatments, including our new Cellulite Cupping Therapy and we’ve added relaxing hot stones to our Supreme Pedicure! Because I have had so many clients trying out the new Rejuvenating Acupuncture facial, and loving the Gua Sha portion so much, I think its a good time to dive into this subject and share all the ways this unusual technique can keep us happy, healthy, and beautiful!
How will gua sha be incorporated into my facial and beauty routine you may ask? We use a more gentle approach with our gua sha tool when it comes to treating the skin on our face. Facial gua sha is considered to be the natural version of botox. Because the face is a more delicate area, we use more light strokes to increase the microcirculation, that doesn't cause any damage to the tiny vessels of the face. Just like the process on the body, facial gua sha will increase blood flow and reduce inflammation, as well as relaxing tight muscles that may be causing wrinkles on the face. The skin will turn pink and plump following the treatment, leaving the complexion bright and smooth. Gua sha is an excellent anti-aging treatment, as well as treating puffiness by increasing the lymph drainage of the face.
It's November and things are getting very busy at the Spa this month! We have our Client Appreciation Christmas party on the 22nd, which is always a great evening! It is an excellent time to come meet all of our providers, eat some great food, and take advantage of our 15% off sale on all products and services!! We are also updating our spa menu and adding a few new exciting treatments, including our new Cellulite Cupping Therapy and we’ve added relaxing hot stones to our Supreme Pedicure! Because I have had so many clients trying out the new Rejuvenating Acupuncture facial, and loving the gua sha portion so much, I think its a good time to dive into this subject and share all the ways this unusual technique can keep us happy, healthy, and beautiful!
Gua Sha is an ancient "scraping" technique and falls under the umbrella of Traditional Chinese Medicine. A gua sha instrument is used to glide on lubricated skin, in one direction, until therapeutic petechiae appear on the skin from minor damage to the tiny vessels. The skin turns red and spotty, which signifies the tissue has been flooded with blood.
You may wonder why we would want to essentially bruise and scrape the skin? Similar to cupping therapy, gua sha removes blood and qi stagnation, which is considered to be pathogenic in Traditional Chinese Medicine. When the tiny vessels incur minor damage from the scraping, the body responds with a healing anti-inflammatory action. The effects of gua sha have been measured up to four days after the treatment, with decreased inflammation of the area as well as a lasting boost to the immune system. Because of these effects, it is often used to treat aches and pains, as well as colds and flus. Gua sha most often produces an immediate reduction in pain and stiffness, as well as immediate reduction to cough, wheezing, fevers, chills, and vomiting.
How will gua sha be incorporated into my facial and beauty routine you may ask? We use a more gentle approach with our gua sha tool when it comes to treating the skin on our face. Facial gua sha is considered to be the natural version of botox. Because the face is a more delicate area, we use more light strokes to increase the microcirculation, that doesn't cause any damage to the tiny vessels of the face. Just like the process on the body, facial gua sha will increase blood flow and reduce inflammation, as well as relaxing tight muscles that may be causing wrinkles on the face. The skin will turn pink and plump following the treatment, leaving the complexion bright and smooth. Gua sha is an excellent anti-aging treatment, as well as treating puffiness by increasing the lymph drainage of the face.
Along with the changes to the look and feel of the skin, gua sha feels amazing, and is very relaxing. Facial gua sha is included in all Rejuvenating Acupuncture facials, but can also be added on to any Acupuncture session. This month, I'd like to share this awesome technique with all my clients, so I am offering a FREE Gua Sha Treatment Enhancement to any Cupping treatment! Come on in, use up your benefits before they run out, and try out this exciting ancient healing technique!
Offer valid until November 30, 2018!
Cupping Benefits – Cold & Flu Season + Time to Detox
Many of my Acupuncture clients have already had the privilege of experiencing this ancient technique, and for those who haven't, it’s an experience unlike any other. Cupping has been linked to lowering blood pressure, draining excess fluids and toxins, stimulating the peripheral nervous system, breaking down adhesion and revitalizing connective tissues. There are many different styles of Cupping, ranging from flash cupping, for things like cellulite reduction, to moving cupping, for tight muscles and fascia, to stationary cupping, to flood an area with blood, to wet or bleeding cupping, which we use for issues such as tennis elbow, acne or eczema.
October has arrived and Calgary is in full-blown fall. The temperature has dropped, and the wind has picked up, making this a great month to focus on the dreaded flu and cold season! Because we all want to avoid getting sick this fall/winter time, and because the Spa’s annual Detox with our Holistic Nutritionist, Janna Hattingh, happens this month, I have decided to focus on Cupping Therapy! You may wonder what these things have in common, and I am here to fill you in!
Many of my Acupuncture clients have already had the privilege of experiencing this ancient technique, and for those who haven't, it’s an experience unlike any other. Cupping has been linked to lowering blood pressure, draining excess fluids and toxins, stimulating the peripheral nervous system, breaking down adhesion and revitalizing connective tissues. There are many different styles of Cupping, ranging from flash cupping, for things like cellulite reduction, to moving cupping, for tight muscles and fascia, to stationary cupping, to flood an area with blood, to wet or bleeding cupping, which we use for issues such as tennis elbow, acne or eczema.
Along with the different styles, there are different materials used in Cupping. Traditionally glass cups are used, with a high heat flame used to burn the oxygen inside the cup, thus creating a suction between the cup and the skin. This is still commonly used, especially for cupping treatments that deal with blood. There are also rubber cups, which I like to use over the belly or on the face. Lastly, there are hard plastic cups with a pump used to suck out the air and create a very tight suction at the skin. I like to use these when I'm working on sore back muscles or tight IP bands.
So, what is the idea around Cupping? What does it do? Well to put it quite simply, it’s a suction cup and it leaves a mark on your skin just like we used to do with cups around our mouths as kids. How can this be beneficial?? The cup is increasing the flow of blood to the area being treated, which is detoxing, it helps reduce inflammation, relaxes tense muscles, and promotes healing. The marks that appear on the surface of the skin is considered to be old, stagnant, toxic blood that is being pulled through the skin by the pressure of the cup. When we have an injury, blood flow increases to the area to begin healing, but quickly becomes stuck and toxic. When we place a cup over a sore muscle we are removing the old blood, and encouraging new fresh blood to flood the area and continue the healing process. It encourages proper flow of blood around the whole body system and helps the lymph system continue to drain effectively by removing toxic waste from the body. This is why adding a Cupping session or 2 into your detox program with Janna this month would be a great idea! Keep things moving and cleaning while you learn other ways to detox the body!
So how can cupping help boost our immune system to prevent a cold or flu, and how can it help pass a cold or flu that has already settled in, faster? Cupping is said to effect tissues up to 4 inches under the skin, so when we cup over the lungs, the tissue on and around the lungs is manipulated and stimulated, stirring up any fluid or substance that may be stuck there. When our lungs are clear, the chances of an infection growing become minimal, and if there is infected mucus residing there already, the cupping will help dislodge and expel it. In Chinese Medicine theory, Cupping is thought to open the pores of the body to allow more toxins to escape, this is why it helps in the early stages of a cold or flu, when the "bug" is considered to still be residing on the body surface. The cupping opens the pores, and promotes detox, often through sweating, and the pathogen is able to exit the body before becoming more serious and travelling into deeper levels of tissue. Our immune system is healthy when the opening and closing of our pores is being properly regulated, and Cupping is a great way to promote that function.
One of the last reasons that I really love Cupping, is because it is a totally non-invasive way to introduce a patient to Traditional Chinese Medicine! The treatments last anywhere from 15-45 minutes, depending on the area of the body being treated, and most people find it very relaxing and therapeutic. Because I want to be able to share this awesome technique with as many people as possible, help all our spa goers stay healthy this winter, and keep as many bodies in a healthy detoxed state, I am offering a free Cupping add-on to any Acupuncture session for the entire month of October! Come use your benefits and try something new!
See you at the Spa,
Amy Nykoluk
What is your face trying to tell you about your digestion?
The face is the mirror of what is going on inside the body, and more closely, the digestive tract. If you take a look at the face chart below, you can see that the governing vessel, conception vessel, stomach, gallbladder, small intestine, large intestine, urinary bladder, and triple warmer meridians all travel along the face. A problem within any of those meridians, or organs, will always eventually become evident on the face.
Last month’s article touched on how certain organ disharmonies will present themselves in regards to skin and aging, but today I want to focus on our two main digestive organs in TCM, the spleen, and the stomach. The stomach is considered to be the most important of all yang organs, and its paired yin organ is the spleen. It is considered to be the root of all postnatal qi, or qi that we create in our bodies from food and water. It is what gives us energy on a daily basis. The stomachs' job is to break down the food through "rotting and ripening," while the spleens' job is to "transform" that matter into nourishment for our bodies, and "transport" it to organs and extremities.
The face is the mirror of what is going on inside the body, and more closely, the digestive tract. If you take a look at the face chart to the left, you can see that the governing vessel, conception vessel, stomach, gallbladder, small intestine, large intestine, urinary bladder, and triple warmer meridians all travel along the face. A problem within any of those meridians, or organs, will always eventually become evident on the face.
Last month’s article touched on how certain organ disharmonies will present themselves in regards to skin and aging, but today I want to focus on our two main digestive organs in TCM, the spleen, and the stomach. The stomach is considered to be the most important of all yang organs, and its paired yin organ is the spleen. It is considered to be the root of all postnatal qi, or qi that we create in our bodies from food and water. It is what gives us energy on a daily basis. The stomachs' job is to break down the food through "rotting and ripening," while the spleens' job is to "transform" that matter into nourishment for our bodies, and "transport" it to organs and extremities.
In order for the yang stomach to function properly, it relies on healthy yin (fluids and cooling properties) to maintain a moist environment for fermentation. This would be equivalent to our stomach acid and other digestive enzymes and fluids. Our stomach relies on a fine internal balance, not too hot, not too cold, with an ample amount of digestive fire or energy to carry out its function. If we eat too many hot or dry foods, such as spicy food, BBQ'd food, alcohol or greasy, fried food, will overheat the stomach and dry up the yin. If too much cold and frozen food is eaten, such as frozen fruits, ice water, raw veggies, or ice cream, the digestive fire becomes weak and digestion slows. When the stomach qi, or digestive fire is weak, we may experience low appetite, weakness, stomach pain, loose stools and puffy face. If the stomach begins to overheat, we can see symptoms like constipation, excessive thirst, dry mouth and lips, heartburn, and acne on the chest and back.
The spleens' main job is to aid the stomach in digestion, as well as distribute nutrients to all parts of the body. When our spleen has sufficient energy or spleen qi, we are able to extract nutrients from our food into "food qi," which is a vital part of the process of making qi and blood.
Just as the stomach had a preferred environment, the yin spleen functions best under dry, warm (yang) conditions. If we eat too many rich, creamy foods, or cold and icy foods, the spleen qi will weaken, digestion will be sluggish, we may experience heavy limbs, a buildup of phlegm, lack of concentration, weak muscles, sagging skin and fine lines and wrinkles. When the spleen qi is weak, the transformation process slows down and phlegm, fat, mucus, and plaques build up and deposit all over the body.
So what food CAN we eat to maintain a happy spleen/stomach balance, and optimal internal environment for proper digestion to occur?
Whole grains - short-grain brown rice, oats, and buckwheat
Beans, pulses, and legumes - chickpeas, soybeans, adzuki beans, and peas
Vegetables - all winter squash, carrots, cabbages, peas, fennel, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, yams, shiitake and other mushrooms, green beans, and lotus root
Nuts and seeds - peanuts, chestnuts, and almonds
Animal foods - beef, chicken, duck, pork, lamb, beef and chicken bone broth, eggs, trout, salmon, catfish
Fruits - red dates, sweet cherries, peaches, red grapes, raisins, apples, figs
Beverages/Teas - warm liquids, ginger, licorice or fennel tea
Herbs/Spices - thyme, rosemary, chives, vanilla, fennel, cardamom, star anise, ginger root, nutmeg, cumin, coriander, and cinnamon.
The health of our digestive tract depends on maintaining an optimal internal environment for our spleen and stomach, so basing our diets around these foods listed above, and limiting foods that disrupt this equilibrium, will ensure that we look and feel our absolute best. Now that we have a basic understanding on how our nutrition impacts our digestive tract, we can start to look more in detail at how we can use TCM diet therapy and Acupuncture to improve the look of many skin problems, by healing the body from the inside out.
Please check next month’s newsletter for an in-depth look at treating three of the most common aging complaints we hear from our clients at the spa.
Dr. Amy
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
As some of you may know, as of this past June we are now offering a Rejuvenating Acupuncture Facial at the Spa! The response has been great, and I wanted to share a little more information on this relaxing and therapeutic treatment for those who may be interested in trying, or just trying to decide if this is the correct way to achieve their skincare goals.
We use Acupuncture for any and every health condition of the body, and this does not exclude age control! Although prevention of disease, or unhealthy, aging skin is always our best defence, we can still use TCM modalities to return the body to a healthy state, and repair damage to the skin and muscles of our face, neck, décolletage, and whole body! We use the needles to treat the local area, but also heal the internal environment, so the skin is supported from the inside out. It is very important to treat the whole person, improving general health, so we can use the persons own internal energy, or qi, to heal.
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
By Dr. Amy Nykoluk
Happy August to all our friends of The Natural Art of Skin Care! Hopefully everyone is enjoying the amazing summer we’re having in Calgary - hot weather and a good amount of rain has made the city so green and beautiful!
As some of you may know, as of this past June we are now offering a Rejuvenating Acupuncture Facial at the Spa! The response has been great, and I wanted to share a little more information on this relaxing and therapeutic treatment for those who may be interested in trying, or just trying to decide if this is the correct way to achieve their skincare goals.
We use Acupuncture for any and every health condition of the body, and this does not exclude age control! Although prevention of disease, or unhealthy, aging skin is always our best defence, we can still use TCM modalities to return the body to a healthy state, and repair damage to the skin and muscles of our face, neck, décolletage, and whole body! We use the needles to treat the local area, but also heal the internal environment, so the skin is supported from the inside out. It is very important to treat the whole person, improving general health, so we can use the persons own internal energy, or qi, to heal.
We use the needles, and other TCM therapies to directly impact the dermis, or the "central nervous system" of the skin. It is in the dermis that tissue is renewed, and collagen and elastin are formed. The direct stimulation of the face and neck greatly increases the flow of blood and qi upwards, which is vital to keeping the complexion bright and plump.
When we insert a needle into the skin in any location, the body looks at this "mini-trauma" and sends blood and qi to the area to heal it. Collagen and elastin are formed to help heal the tiny injury, which gives permanent change to the skin in the area. The more collagen and elastin we have and produce, the younger and firmer our skin will be.
Although The Rejuvenating Acupuncture Facial treatment will help everyone, it is very important to heal internal imbalances before beginning the protocol. Every organ system is involved in the maintenance and health of our skin. For example, the lungs control the opening and closing of our pores. If there is too much heat in our lungs, say, from smoking, the skin will appear red, the pores dilated, and there may be sweating issues involved. The spleen and stomach are our two main digestive organs, and digestion plays a very important, if not the most important role in young healthy looking and feeling skin. The energy of the spleen travels upward, so if our spleen is weak, our skin will sag. Our kidneys are involved in water regulation, as well as filtration, so when we eat too much salt, or don't drink enough water, our kidney system may begin to falter, and dark circles begin to appear, or the under eye becomes puffy. If we heal the internal environment, regardless of focusing the treatment on the face, the skin cannot help but begin to show positive changes. We will both feel better and look better.
Even though many people achieve dramatic results and improvements to the skin and overall health, it is important to remember that Acupuncture is a natural treatment, so it takes time to see changes. Surgical results just aren't possible without surgery, so it is important to have a realistic goal when beginning these treatments. Some of the benefits you can expect to see are;
- Improved overall complexion and texture of the face, neck, and décolletage
- Improvement to the elasticity and spring back of the skin
- Reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
- Tightening of the jowls and less sagging
- Reduction of acne and rosacea
- Fading of age spots and pigmentation
As I mentioned earlier, these treatments are working on the internal environment, so the patient can expect to have other improvements as well, such as;
- Reduced anxiety and mild depression
- Reduced hot flashes or other menopausal symptoms
- Improved circulation and healthy blood pressure
- Increase in energy
- Improved digestive function
There is so much information to share on the benefits of TCM and Acupuncture, so come in and book a consultation to learn more about what you can do to improve the quality of your life and prevent and treat the signs and symptoms of aging!
Watch for my monthly articles in our newsletter, as I will be getting into more detail on the Rejuvenating Acupuncture Facial every month, starting with next month’s article focused on digestion and nutrition. Also, please check out our Instagram page - thenaturalartofskincare - for videos and posts that I will be sharing of my treatments, and tips and tricks for improving skin health!
Looking forward to seeing you all at the spa.
- Dr. Amy
What happens after Sun Damage?
I know it feels good to be out in the sun, feeling the warmth on your skin after a long winter! When you're in the sun too long, by the time your skin turns pink and painful, most of the sun damage and harm is already done. Sunburns indicate that there is damage to the DNA in your skin cells. Over time, these injuries add up and lead to physical changes like wrinkles, sagging skin, hyper-pigmentation and skin cancer.
What do I mean when I say you need to be conscious of your sun exposure? Wear and re-apply your sunscreen and sun protection, or you will damage your skin and become prone to skin cancers!!
Sunlight can take its toll on just about any proteins, fabric garments and even our own skin, over time. Picture leaving your favorite leather jacket outside in the sun everyday where it is exposed to the sun’s harsh ultraviolet rays, day after day. Inevitably, it would cause considerable physical damage to its appearance. This isn’t something that happens immediately, but constant exposure can, and will, damage your leather, making it look old, dry, lacking flexibility, pigmentation loss, and irregularity. This too is the same for your skin.
I know it feels good to be out in the sun, feeling the warmth on your skin after a long winter! But when you're in the sun too long, by the time your skin turns pink and painful, most of the sun damage and harm is already done. Sunburns indicate that there is damage to the DNA in your skin cells. Over time, these injuries add up and lead to physical changes like wrinkles, sagging skin, hyper-pigmentation and skin cancer.
What do I mean when I say you need to be conscious of your sun exposure? Wear and re-apply your sunscreen and sun protection, or you will damage your skin and become prone to skin cancers!!
Sunlight can take its toll on just about any proteins, fabric garments and even our own skin, over time. Picture leaving your favorite leather jacket outside in the sun everyday where it is exposed to the sun’s harsh ultraviolet rays, day after day. Inevitably, it would cause considerable physical damage to its appearance. This isn’t something that happens immediately, but constant exposure can, and will, damage your leather, making it look old, dry, lacking flexibility, pigmentation loss, and irregularity. This too is the same for your skin.
What exactly happens to your skin over time with overexposure to the sun?
Pigmentation changes;
We have 30+ ladies always coming into my spa grumbling about sun spot that have accumulated over the years; but still tell me just how much they love their tans. Let me tell you what is going on;
Skin colour changes caused by sun exposure are very common. The most noticeable sun-induced pigment change are brown spots (solar lentigos). Light-skinned people are particularly prone to freckles caused by overexposure to UV light. Solar lentigines are benign, but they do indicate excessive sun exposure, a risk factor for the development of skin cancer. Large freckles, also known as age spots or liver spots, can be seen on the backs of the hands, chest, shoulders, arms, and upper back. These areas are particularly prone to skin cancer. These pigmentation anomalies in the long-term accumulate and are much harder to reduce, making the skin appear much older.
UV exposure can also cause small white spots on the legs, backs of the hands, and arms which is called guttate hypo-melanosis. But what about Hypo-pigmentation? On a basic level, Hypo-pigmentation is described as a loss of skin colour. While Hyper-pigmentation is caused by an increase in melanin (the substance that gives our skin and hair its colour), Hypo-pigmentation is the result of a reduction in melanin production. Most of us have experienced Hypo-pigmentation as a result of trauma (a cut or burn), or sun damage. A blister or a burn that was bad enough to affect the area with a loss of pigment and cause white spots on the skin, is an example of Hypo-pigmentation. It’s important to ensure that such areas of Hypo-pigmentation are well protected from the sun; lack of melanin makes the skin far more vulnerable to sun damage. With luck and treatments these white spots may be temporary, eventually the skin can heal and return to its usual colour once the body regenerates pigment, but some can be irreversible depending on the extent of the damage.
More than 6 million Americans get these splotchy brown or grey patches on their skin. Although experts aren’t certain of the exact reason for it, they know that sun exposure can cause and re-stimulate melanin (pigment producing cells). These cells go into overdrive and create a large dark mask or spot on the skin. This condition is very deep into the epidermis, and very difficult to treat.
The neck and décolleté are particularly prone to a constant redness and broken capillaries which is called poikiloderma of Civatte, and can be very noticeable. This redness is year round and difficult to treat.
Loss of Elastin and Collagen, overall thickening or thinning of the skin.
The skin will start to lose it’s elasticity and begin to sag, which is continued over time with more sun exposure. Also depending on genetics, the skin will start to look thick, like old, worn out, textured leather, or on the other hand, see-through and fragile like paper mache. Both of which are very aging to the overall look of the skin, and hard to reverse depending on how much damage is caused.
Skin Cancer
Unfortunately, the worst part of my job is finding abnormal skin cells and moles, and having to send my clients, that I care for so much, to the doctor to get a biopsy or lesion removal. This is a very stressful time in their lives where they tend to reflect and reevaluate their past decisions, and I simply don’t want this to be you. Please note that when Doctors do remove skin cancerous lesions, it is never as small as the mole itself. A large part of the surrounding tissue always needs to be removed at the same time to ensure there are no cancerous cells left behind. These areas are more commonly found in noticeable places such as the back, chest, nose and face. Sometimes having to remove parts of these features to be safe it was all removed. So when I tell my clients, and the public that I don’t want you to have sunspots and wrinkles, I am also stating that I don’t want it to get this bad. Play safe.
Prevention and after treatment
- To prevent permanent sun damage, avoid over exposure to sunlight in midday between 10 AM and 3 PM.
- Wear sun-protective clothing, tightly woven clothes and hats
- Apply a natural physical sunscreen (chemical-free), with an SPF 30 or above
- Re-apply your SPF every 2-3 hours if you are in the sun continuously
Shower and remove all SPF before bed, and apply after sun products such as Eminence’s Aloe Mint Hydrating Gel for calming and soothing or the Rosehip and Lemongrass Repair Balm which is high in Vitamin C.
If you do acquire too much sun, then be aware that the damage will continue and spread, damaging skin cells for 12-24 hours. So the sooner you start cooling the skin, the better protected it will be. Cold compress, cool shower, aloe, such as the Eminence aloe lotion and/or Rosehip & Lemongrass Body Balm will start cooling and healing the skin.
- Inspect your skin regularly and after over exposures
- No tanning beds, ever!
- Seek medical care if you have a mole you believe has changed, grown larger, bleeds or has crusty dead skin around it, strange pigmentation on or around them.
At Home and in-house Treatments
Some key ingredients that will nourish your sun damaged skin are; Vitamin C, Licorice, Peptides, Retinol, facial peels, and always Sunscreen. We carry these products in our boutique which include, DERMed Vital A Serum (Retinol), the Vital C Serum (Vitamin C), Licorice Serum, Eminence Marine Flower Peptide Serum and Arctic Berry Peptide Radiance Cream (Peptides), and the Tropical Vanilla SPF 32 Cream (For face or body).
Book a Comprehensive Skin Care analysis today and we’ll create a customized treatment plan suited to your specific skincare needs. Allow us to start you on the right track to total skin rejuvenation!