What is Dermaplaning?
Dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure that uses a surgical blade to manually exfoliate the surface of the skin to remove the dead top layer of old skin cells and vellus hair or “peach fuzz”. It is also sometimes referred to as micro-planing or blading. The aim is to make the surface of your skin smooth, more youthful, and GLOWING. It's also a great tool for prepping the skin by removing tough outer layers of skin barriers prior to performing deeper treatments such as infusions, or peels. It creates a perfect canvas for your makeup application, and it gives the rest of your holistic skincare products a better chance to penetrate to the deeper layers of our skin.
Who is Dermaplaning good for?
Dermaplaning can be performed on many different skin types, and can benefit many different skin conditions. Dermaplaning is perfect for people with dull, dry or textured skin, oily skin types, sun damaged, peach fuzz, and fine lines. It’s also a great option when doing post-acne scar treatments as it helps to reduce the appearance of deeper acne scars and balance the complexion.
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